Medical Professionals Benefit Association

Mission Statement

To advise medical professionals about their employer provided benefits and to fill the gaps resulting from the shortcomings of their existing benefits.

To offer high quality insurance and financial products that supplement and/or replace the benefits offered by their employer.

To offer MPBA members the Working Advantage discount network program 100% free of charge. This is a premier turnkey solution that offers members discounts on entertainment tickets, online shopping and so much more!

To provide MPBA members the National Discount Prescription Pharmacy Card at no cost. This card provides discounts of up to 75% (and an average of nearly 50%) on full-price prescription medications.


About MPBA

MPBA was established to offer medical professionals supplemental financial and insurance products customized to meet their individual needs. We specialize in providing access to enhanced insurance benefit programs to medical professionals throughout the United States. As a medical professional and MPBA member you are eligible for certain supplemental benefit plans that are not available to the general public.